Ermine Belt

+3 ammo max

need card:

Ermine Belt

Rightful Curtsy

Elite Gem

Extra barrel

Royal loafers

Majestic censer

Sacred Crown


Engraved scope

Holy Gunpowder

Ritual dagger

August presence

Crow's blessing

Wand of Downpour

Wand of frenzy

Wand of Wrath

Wand of Wings

The moat

Gradual absolution

Taunting hop

Wand of gust

Unfaithful steed

Unjust decree

Kingly alms

Subtle poison

Small fry harvest

A Piercing TRuth

Black mist

Kings's shoulders

High focus

Courteous jousting

Cornered despot

Sawed-off justice

Welcome gift

Cannon fodder



Imperial Shotput

Egotic Maelstrom

Church Organ

Black Plague

Ravenous rats

Deep water

Unholy call

Undercover Mission




Bloodless coups

Wand of hypnosis


Golden aging

Fool Companion

Force feeding










king's mistress




kite shield



Ammunition depot







Iron Maiden

court of the king

The red book



lookout tower

throne room

The secret heir



undead armies






highest dungeon


the bridge

Divine healing

last guardian


full plate armor

military acadamy

witch's curse


The jester


analysis paralysis

+3 ammo max

+1 ammo max +50% chance to knockback enemy

+1 ammo regeneration +1 fire range

Fire arc +7 cahrge 1 additional shell in your shotgun

Strafe mode: RIght click a target and fire on your next move

+1 ammo max add 1 extra soul slot

You can play an extra turn after using a soul card move

+2 firepower
fire arc +30

Right Click: arc -45 and range +1. Resets on each move or reload

+1 firepower

Blade: +1 King: -2 hp -1 fire range

non-king pieces can't come near your king

+2 fire range

Non-Knight pieces can't cross the moat in one move

refill your ammo and reload your gun

Deal firepower damage to a non-king target

Move up to 3 squares

Non-knight pieces can't cross the moat in one move

+1 firepower for every empty soul slot

ONce per turn you can jump over a nearby piece for 1 dmg without ending the turn

Repel all white pieces northward

move range: +1 flip card if there's no knight on the board

-1 firepower
The king is allowed to right click to fire all loaded shells

+2 grenades
right click to throw a grenade

King: -1 hp
Queens moves are limited to 1 square for 15 turns
Queen: -1 hp

+6 ammo max King: +2 hp

+1 ammo max gain 1 ammo each time you kill a pawn

your bullets have a 30% chance to pierce through targets

-1 fire range protects from death once per floor

Once per floor, drag a nearby piece on your king and throw it in any direction

+1 firepower fire arc -18 Flip card if a piece is adjacent to you

Fire arc -10 play an extra turn when you kill a knight

+2 firepower flip card if your king is not on the board's edge

Shooting moves you backwards -1 fire range +2 firepower

+4 firepower Flip card if your shotgun has been reloaded

Use pawn's souls to gain +2 firepower on your next shot

+2 soul slots
+1 bishop

throw 1 grenade for free per turn

spawn a cannonball

+1 firepower every 10 turns

+2 ammo Max
Charge 2 additional shells in your shotgun

-1 fire range
At the end of each turn a random piece takes 1 dmg

When you kill a piece, a rat bites the nearest target for 1 dmg

non-knight pieces within the moat can't attack you

Add 3 pentagrams on the board. Trigger them to get an extra turn. trigger all of them to get +2 firepower

When you reach the waypoint choose a disruption effect and play an extra turn

+1 ammo max injured pieces lose 2 speed

Blade: +3

-1 firepower Once per turn, execture a piece with your blade without ending your turn. Blade +2

Flip this card if a pawn is killed Pawns can't attack you

Play a white piece of your choice

Bishop can't attack you at less than 2 range
Queen can't attack you at less than 2 range.

King: -2 hp
Queen: -1 hp
Every 10 turns:
queen: -1 speed
King: -1 speed

Jesters can move in all directions And always follow King. Earn an extra turn when you kill a jester

+1 ammo max
reloading without moving lets you squeeze one more shell in the shotgun when it's full

add 3 pawns

add 2 knights after 15 turns

add 2 bishops after 15 turns

remove 1 pawn add 1 knight -1 ammo max

remove 1 pawn add 1 bishop -1 ammo max

remove 2 pawns add 1 rook

remove 1 rook add 5 pawns pawn: +1 hp

remove 1 bishop add 2 knights

remove 1 knight add 2 bishops

add 1 queen queen's moves are limited to 3 squares

remove 1 bishop add 6 pawns

King can't be killed if a knight is alive
Knight: +1hp

Add 2 pawns
Add 1 rook
Rook -2hp

add 2 pawns add 1 rook rook: -2 hp

add 1 pawn pawns can move 2 squares on their first move

add 1 pawn
knights have a shield that absorbs all incoming damage on a sinle turn

pawn: +1 speed
bishop: +1 speed
flip card if there's no bishop on the board

add 1 pawn
pawns can move / attack in 4 directions

add 1 rook gain 2 ammo each time you kill a rook

remove 1 knight add 2 pawns pawn: +1 speed

pawns can't attack diagonally but they can attack the front 2 squares instead pawn: +1 hp

Bishops can move and attack across any obstacles

rook: +1 hp
king swaps position with a rook whenever he would take damage

add 1 pawn every 5 turns

remove 1 king add 1 bishop win if all bishops are dead bishop: +2 hp

queens: -2 speed
queens cant die

add 2 knights add 1 bishop add 1 rook all pieces: -1 speed

add 1 bishop bishops can move (not attack) orthoganally

remove 2 pawns add 1 bishop doubles fire arc for 1 bullet

add 1 queen

add 1 rook after 20 turns
backups come 1 turn sooner for every piece you kill

King: +2 hp
queen: +1 hp

add 1 pawn the secret heir replaces the king if he dies

remove 1 bishop add 1 queen after 10 turns

-1 firepower on white squares
+30 fire arc on black squares

replace rooks, knights and bishops with a pawn when they die

remove 1 pawn
-3 ammo max
-1 grenade

add 1 queen
add 1 extra soul slot

remove 1 rook
king: +1 hp
-1 grenade damage
pawns: +1 hp

Add 1 knight
Knight can only be hit when moving
Knight: -1 hp

All pieces: +1 hp
Flip card if there's no rook on the board

Remove 1 bishop
Add 1 rook
Non-rook pieces near a rook can't take more than one damage per turn

Add 1 knight after 10 turns
Open a path in the moat

Bishop: +1 hp
Bishops can heal nearby allies instead of moving

After killing a pawn, promote another pawn if it's the last one

Rook +4 hp
Flip card if there's no pawn on the board

All pieces: -1 speed
Blade: -1
All pieces: +1 hp

add 1 knight every 10 turns

Fire arc +10°
-1 fire range
Flip this card if a queen is killed
-1 Firepower

Knight: -1 speed
Knight carry non-rook and non-knight pieces when moving

Add 1 pawn
Jesters can move diagonally and have +2 speed
Jesters pass the hat when he dies

Remove 1 king

You can't play for 6 turns or until you are in check

The moat


Black mist

the moat